Theme Features
- Landing page included.
- Built with Elementor.
- Compitable with WooCommerce.
- AJAX page transitions.
- GSAP included.
- Smooth scroll plugin.
- Interactive mouse cursor.
- Parallax scroll effects.
- Easy page settings.
- Swiper Slider use.
- Fully responsive
- Fully customizable
- Custom page loader
- Page scroll effects
- Simple and convenient
- Documentation included
- Browser compatibility
- Clean & modern design
- Well commented HTML elements
- Custom grid layout.
- Google fonts
- Icofonts.
- Classic and fullscreen menu styles.
- And more!
Image and Video Credits
- Envato Elements
- Behance
- Unsplash
- Pexels
- Vimeo
v1.1.0 [22/08/2024]
Fullscreen Slideshow loop bug fixed.
Fullscreen Slideshow mobile view adjusted.
Infinite carousel design adjustments.
Showcase Carousel Safari scrolling bug fixed.
Showcase Carousel mobile view redesigned.
Project hero galery mobile bugs fixed.
Showcase List mobile design adjustments.
Showcase Slider mobile design adjustments.
Showcase Void desktop/mobile design/ui/ux improvements.
Demo content updated.
Fullscreen project hero mobile design adjustments.
Video player sound bug fixed.
Iframe video aspect ratio bug fixed.
Inner pages mobile design adjustments.
Minor bug fixes.
Responsive design adjustments.